Local time: 10:35 pm

Ružinov - Prievoz, 821 05 Bratislava






Additional Services

Special Offers

Video Tour

See why our hotel is perfect for your next vacation

Take a video tour of the only waterfront hotel. With our location on the water, and in downtown, we're near everything and with a view that you can't beat. Find your next perfect vacation in our city today!

All Our Guests Recommend This Hotel
Room Comfort
Quality of Sleep
9.7 / 10
Hotel Staff
Bestel Core

You Need to Know

I need help completing my reservation.
For help making reservations online or navigating our website, email our Internet Support desk. Please provide as much detail as possible regarding the specific problem you are having, including the path taken and any data entry you may have performed prior to the error. This will help us recreate the issue and provide the best solution. While our team can assist you with making a reservation, they cannot make a reservation for you. To make reservations by phone, please contact one of our worldwide reservation centers.
For help making reservations online or navigating our website, email our Internet Support desk. Please provide as much detail as possible regarding the specific problem you are having, including the path taken and any data entry you may have performed prior to the error. This will help us recreate the issue and provide the best solution. While our team can assist you with making a reservation, they cannot make a reservation for you. To make reservations by phone, please contact one of our worldwide reservation centers.
For help making reservations online or navigating our website, email our Internet Support desk. Please provide as much detail as possible regarding the specific problem you are having, including the path taken and any data entry you may have performed prior to the error. This will help us recreate the issue and provide the best solution. While our team can assist you with making a reservation, they cannot make a reservation for you. To make reservations by phone, please contact one of our worldwide reservation centers.
For help making reservations online or navigating our website, email our Internet Support desk. Please provide as much detail as possible regarding the specific problem you are having, including the path taken and any data entry you may have performed prior to the error. This will help us recreate the issue and provide the best solution. While our team can assist you with making a reservation, they cannot make a reservation for you. To make reservations by phone, please contact one of our worldwide reservation centers.
For help making reservations online or navigating our website, email our Internet Support desk. Please provide as much detail as possible regarding the specific problem you are having, including the path taken and any data entry you may have performed prior to the error. This will help us recreate the issue and provide the best solution. While our team can assist you with making a reservation, they cannot make a reservation for you. To make reservations by phone, please contact one of our worldwide reservation centers.


Niekomu stačí minútka, my pre vás máme 60

Nealko zdarma.

Uvedené ceny sú pre pár.

Izba (1-izb. byt) obsahuje TV, DVD, WiFi, klimatizáciu, malú kuchynku a samozrejme sociálne zariadenie vrátane toalety.

Dovoz v rámci Bratislavy dohodou alebo sa k nám môžete dostať aj MHD, zastávka je 100m (autobus č.66). V cene je zahrnuté parkovanie. Platiť môžete v hotovosti alebo bankovým prevodom. Storno zaplatenej objednávky v deň príchodu nie je možné.

Izbu si môžete rezervovať telefonátom alebo SMSkou na: 0950 333 333 príp. e-mailom na info@hodinovyhotelik24.sk

1 hodina 25€
2 hodiny 35€
3 hodiny 40€
4 hodiny 45€
Ostatné dohodou


Apartmán 1

Apartmán 2

Apartmán 3

Apartmán 4


Kontaktujte nás

  • +421 950 333 333